Where Is West Papua and What You Can Do There

Where Is West Papua and What You Can Do There

Where is West Papua? The world second biggest island, the Indonesian half of Papua in the west is divided into two Indonesian provinces, Papua and West Papua. While both are beautiful destinations, we will talk about the basic overview of West Papua that you need to know.

Where is West Papua?

Located on the island of Papua, West Papua is one of Indonesia easternmost provinces. It consists of two large peninsulas, Semdoberai and Bomberai, as well as hundreds of Islands. As one of the most remote regions in Indonesia, the natural beauty is still largely untouched. Indeed, when you explore the terrains of West Papua, you will quickly understand that it is truly the final frontier of Indonesia.

West Papua culture is still preserve because of the remoteness of the Indigenous living area. Not only that, the highlands are challenging, the forests are dense and lush, and the coasts are gorgeously pristine. Papua is the perfect destination for travelers who desire a wonderful adventure of a lifetime in the wilderness.

What to Do in West Papua

There is no such region as isolated and wild as green forests full of exotic wildlife and an authentic Indigenous lifestyle. You can do anything here from island-hoping, scuba diving, and hiking. Some of its most famous destinations are:

Raja Ampat


If you know where is West Papua, you must know about Raja Ampat. Home to some of the most diverse coral reefs and marine in the world, here you can swim and scuba dive with fishes, turtles and manta rays in a gorgeous underwater environment. Since Raja Ampat is made up of many charming small islands, you should invest time in island-hopping around the area.

Arborek Tourism Village


Gain an insight into the lives of indigenous West Papuans in many tourism villages around the region. The first and most famous of all is Arborek Tourism Village. This community is dedicated to sustainable and engaging tourism activities. Here, you can experience the rich and fascinating traditional practices of the locals.

Kwatisore Bay

Knowing where is West Papua means you must know about Kwatisore Bay in Cenderawasih. This must visit place offers a unique experience you cannot find anywhere else: swimming with whale sharks. These gentle giants not only have a close friendship with the local fishermen, but they also allow you to swim and snorkel near them. This hidden gem offers clear waters and a relatively quiet area, ideal as a dream destination.

Carstenz Pyramid


Seasoned hikers would love to climb West Papua Carstenz Pyramid. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the highest point on the island is located inside the Lorentz National Park, the largest national park in Southeast Asia. Experienced climbers ought to try going on a guided tour up the peak. Other than this site, you may also want to check out the Baliem Valley in Wamena, another popular destination among hikers.

West Papua Travel Advice

The journey around West Papua is quite challenging, given the sheer size and severity of terrains. Often, the only way to move around the region is by boat or by plane. Get ready to sleep in very simple accommodations and face a lot of mosquitoes too.

The easiest and quickest method to enter West Papua is by flying to Manokwari or Sorong. Non –Indonesian citizens must register with the police 24 hours after arriving in the province. While the journey is long, the experience you find will be worth it. After knowing where West Papua is and what you can find there, don’t you want to visit it at least once?    

Asbat Mohamed
Author: Asbat Mohamed

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