West Papua Tribes and Their Beautiful Culture

West Papua Tribes and Their Beautiful Culture

West Papua is a province that is located in the eastern part of Indonesia. It is a home for more than 255 West Papua tribes. Since this beautiful province has so many local tribes, hundreds of precious local cultures, languages and customs grow in harmony here. There are many interesting things we can learn from West Papua and its local tribes.

West Papua Tribes – Contacted and Uncontacted

There are hundreds of tribes that inhabit West Papua but some of the biggest tribes are Arfak, Moi, Bira, Doreri, Irawutu, Mairasi and Mpur. Some tribes are living a modern life, especially those who live in the city like Sorong and big regencies like Raja Ampat and Manokwari. However, there are also at least 30 uncontacted tribes that live in the deep of West Papua rainforest. They stay true to the authentic West Papua culture, far away from the modern civilization outside of their areas.

Those tribes do not adapt to modern life, but it doesn’t mean their way of life is primitive or backward, because modern culture is not always the best. They simply stay true to their culture and local customs.



West Papuan traditional clothing is Serui. This clothing is accompanied by traditional jewelry and headpieces. Besides Serui, the other famous traditional clothing is Ewer, which is made from dried straw. Some traditional items of clothing are influenced by outside cultures. For example, West Papua tribes who live in Manokwari use shirt tops made of velvet in addition to their traditional clothing.

Besides West Papuans, there are many people from different tribes and ethnicities that come from the other parts of Indonesia living in Papua. As a result, it is also very common to see people wearing modern clothes. But West Papuans are people who really appreciate and love their own culture. So, West Papua traditional clothing still exists and is commonly worn until now.


Data shows that more than 50% of West Papua populations are Christians. Manokwari is known as the center of Christianity since it is located near Mansinam Island, the place where the European missionaries came to the land of Papua in 1855. 42% are Muslims since Islam is the majority in Indonesia and there are more people from the other provinces in Indonesia living in West Papua right now. The rest consists of Catholics, Hindus and Buddhists. Animism is also still practiced by some tribes in rural areas.

Language and Culture

Just like the other provinces in Indonesia, Indonesian is also the official language in West Papua. This language unites people from different tribes and cultures so they understand each other. But since there are hundreds of West Papua tribes, this province also has so many local languages. Research shows that there are at least 210 Papuan languages that are still used now.

War dance is the most popular dance in West Papua. Back then, it was used to support men who were about to go to war. But now, it is used to symbolize heroism and bravery. The dance is accompanied by the sound of Tifa and drum, which suits the energetic movement of West Papuan War dance.

Another famous dance is the Yospan dance. This dance symbolizes the harmony and solidarity among the Papuans. This dance is often performed in big ceremonies and cultural events. Just like most Papuans dances, Yospan dance is also very energetic. It is fun to watch and dance too.

There are so many interesting things we can find in West Papua due to preserve and appreciate so that the beauty of West Papua culture will never fade away.       

Asbat Mohamed
Author: Asbat Mohamed

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