West Papua, the Hidden Paradise of Indonesia

West Papua, the Hidden Paradise of Indonesia

West Papua, the Hidden Paradise of Indonesia

As one of the Western-most provinces in Indonesia, West Papua holds many interesting things you couldn’t find elsewhere. The culture, nature, scenery and society, all of them are something that you don’t want to miss when you visit this place. For that reason, this article will try to help you know more about the West Papua district. Let’s start!

The Location

Where is West Papua? West Papua is located in the western part of the Island that looks like a bird’s head. So, that is how you can find it easily. West Papua’s area size is 102,946km2 wide, which has become one of the largest provinces in Indonesia. Its capital city is Manokwari, which is located in the northern part of the province, close to the sea.

Seas Surrounding West Papua

Speaking about the sea, West Papua is surrounded by several seas. In the North, you can find the Pacific Ocean. To the West of this province, there is the Halmahera Sea and the Ceram Sea. And, on the south, right on the bottom of the bird’s head, there is the Banda Sea. With so many seas around West Papua we can expect the various type of underwater scenery we can enjoy. That is also the reason why tourism in this province is one of the best in Indonesia.

The People that Live in West Papua

Papuan people are the majority of people that live in this province (51.5% of the total population). They are divided into several West Papua tribes such as Arfak, Doreri, Kuri, Simuri, Irarutu, Sebyar, Moscona, Mairasi, Kambouw, Onim, Sekar, Maibrat, Tehit, Imeko, Tehit, Imeko, Moi, Tipin, Maya, Biak, Anggi, Arguni, Asmat, Awiu, Batanta, Biak, Bintuni, Dani, Demta, Genyem, Guai, Hattam, Jakui, Kapauku, Kiman, Mairasi, Manikion, Mapia, Marindeanim, Mimika, Moni, Muyu, Numfor, Salawati, Uhundun, and Waigeo.

On the other hand, you also can find certain ethnic groups in West Papua. Mostly, they have a different way to live. And, based on their lifestyle and cultural characteristics, they are divided into two groups, which is inland Papua /mountainous people/highland. The other group is called the lowland or coastal Papua group. As you can see from its name, each group lives in a different part of West Papua.

Other than Papuan people, there are also many immigrants in this area. Mostly, they are Javanese, Minahasan, Makassarese, Buginese, Butonese, Moluccans, and Torajan. Many of them have been living in West Papua for decades. They moved during the transmigration program that the Indonesian government held in the past.

The Food

The first thing you should try is the west Papua traditional food. They are culinary you can’t find elsewhere. As for the first item, you can try Papeda. It is a glutinous porridge made of Sago flour. Mostly, people there eat it with fish soup.

You also can try traditional baked sweet potato. They use the burned rock to create a traditional oven. While you enjoy the baked sweet potato, you also can taste Mumu. It is a fish dish that is cooked similar to the sweet potato. It is combined with vegetables, Pork, and rice, plus sweet potato if you still to eat more.

West Papua Travel

As we explained above, the West Papua district has a good tourism spot and activity. Therefore, it is not surprising, if this province has become one of the best destinations for a vacation in Indonesia. Their tourism even got international acknowledgment. So, what can we find and enjoy in west Papua? Here are some of them.

Raja Ampat

Located in the northwest tip the bird’s head, Raja Ampat islands West Papua is the place you must visit at least once in your lifetime. It has many beautiful beaches. Marine life is something you never expected before, so if you like diving or snorkeling; this place is your paradise. People often call it the piece of heaven land that falls to the Earth.

Best of all, you can easily visit this place because many West Papua tours agency and the package always put Raja Ampat as their first destination. You only need to use the right tour agency, and you can have a trip to this paradise.

Unique Place to Sleep

You can find the standard hotel in West Papua. However, if you wanted to get an unforgettable travel experience, try to stay at the West Papua eco resort. It is the hotel that was built with the traditional method. You can escape from your stressful daily routine. Enjoy the landscape and listen to the beautiful birds singing surrounding the place where you stay.

Birds Tour

Many forests and mountains in West Papua haven’t been disturbed by a human. Therefore, the diversity of flora and fauna in this province is worth watching. One of them is the bird species that live here.

You can find many types of endemic birds in West Papua. Starting from the most popular one, the Bird of Paradise, to the Western Parotia, you can see all of them. Make sure you choose the right West Papua tour for birding to see those beautiful creatures.

Climb the Carstensz Pyramid

Are you an adrenaline seeker? West Papua also has what you need here. This mountain is one of the world’s 7 summits. You can find it in the Lorentz National Park, another beautiful area that is also the UNESCO world heritage site that you can visit during your West Papua travel.


West Papua is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It has a diversity of flora and fauna. Their culture is also interesting to see and experience. In short, once you visit the west Papua district, you won’t be able to forget it. Maybe, today’s pandemic conditions still limit us to go for a vacation. But, once everything is much better, do not hesitate to take your time to visit west Papua. Guaranteed, you won’t be disappointed.

Asbat Mohamed
Author: Asbat Mohamed

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