Triton Bay, West Papua, Indonesia

Triton Bay, West Papua, Indonesia

Just when I be thinkin’ there ain’t much more to see in West Papua, I find somethin’ else that makes me wanna pack my bags in a flash. While doin’ some readin’, I came by a beautiful spot, almost like Raja Ampat called Triton Bay, which is in the Kaimana waters. It be breathtakin’, y’all. Breath. Takin’! It forms part of a conservation area known as a bird’s head seascape.

Like many of the stunnin’ archipelagos round West Papua, Triton Bay be a great place for a divin’ vacation because it has a lotta coral, fish, yellow seahorses, ‘n even an unusual species called the Triton Bay Walkin’ Shark. If ya lucky, ya might even get to see a whale shark too.

There also be hundreds of different kinds of soft corals, like a rainbow under water!

If y’all be hopin’ to see white cliffs that ain’t in Dover, then Triton Bay be a good option. Combined with tropical plants ‘n warm, tropical waters that be ’round 84 degrees Fahrenheit all the time, it sure be givin’ off an island vibe. Don’t forget to wear a hat ‘n sunscreen; the kind that ain’t harmful to the universe.

‘N for the history nuts, ya can visit a small village called Lobo. There be an old fort there that was used by the Dutch, because they established the town ya see, but all them soldiers died of malaria. That be a stark reminder that I must buy some bug repellent if I’m gonna be travelin’ in Indonesia, or some places in Africa too. Lobo also be the place where y’all gotta pay for any boatin’ trips ya wanna be doin’.

Many countries ’round the world be tellin’ wannabe travelers ’bout stuff of ‘istorical signficance, ‘specially rock paintin’s ‘n the like. Egypt immediately pops into my mind with them hieroglyphics all over the walls, or in Africa, there be some places where local tribes called Bushmen or Hottentots also done some art on the rocks. In Triton Bay near some mountains called Maimei, there be prehistoric drawins on the rocks datin’ back to the middle of the stone age. Golly gee, y’all, that is ancient!

There be a few ways to get to Triton Bay, but y’all wanna bear in mind that it is a bit more remote than some of the other places I’s been sharin’ with ya, so be sure to do the right kinda plannin’. Many people who wanna get a bit of a thrill go by speedboat, others fly on local, or smaller airlines, like Lion Air. If it were up to me, and I had deep dollar pocekts, I’d have a my liveaboard drop me off in Kaimana, ‘n pick me up again. Hey man, ya can’t fault a guy for dreamin’.

Next week I’m gonna talk more about some of the islands ‘n beaches in West Papua.

Author: JS

Travel Vlogger, Journalist,

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