Taking a Turn Back to Raja Ampat: Cape Kri

Taking a Turn Back to Raja Ampat: Cape Kri

This time I’m gonna be talkin’ about a great divin’ spot in the Raja Ampat Recency called Cape Kri. It seems like an epic spot to scuba dive or snorkel, which be great for me considerin’ that I still ain’t got ’round to doin’ some kinda scuba divin’ trainin’. Y’all, this divin’ spot holds some kinda record for havin’ the largest variety of sea life to see in a single dive. Now that sure is somethin’!

If y’all gonna be livin’ the high life on a liveaboard trip and ya wanna go divin’, then be sure to find out if the tour company dealin’ with you accommodation visits Cape Kri. If it don’t, then y’all can shop round a bit, because there be operators that do trips to Cape Kri, specifically for divin’. It will definitely be the more economical option if ya need to be stretchin’ ya Dollars.

The reef at Cape Kri slopes down to around 132 feet. There be a large assortment of fish to see, such as sweetlips, black tip reef sharks, barracudas, ‘n wobbogong. In the shallower waters y’all might see some sea turtle ‘n even playful dolphins. The corals be home to many other different fish, ‘n other sea creatures. I can almost hear some of ya putting Cape Kri on ya bucketlists.

If ya wanna be stayin’ on Kri Island itself, then y’all be spoilt for choice because homestays be full-up, on both sides of the island, North, South ‘n West. Some bungalows are built on the beaches, up on stilts, right in the shallows of the turquoise waters. Homestays be great ’cause they allow us touristy folks to enjoy a magical place, while still bein’ able to soak up the culture. Many of ’em also have reasonably good access to the internet. Y’all will need to do ya homework, ’cause some of the best homestay places on the northern side of the small island be closed for renovations.

Kri be a popular place with tourists, so if ya like meetin’ new people, then y’all likely to meet ‘n make new friends while vacationin’ there. The coastline stretches is not long, stretchin’ for about 4.7 miles, but the beaches are worth spendin’ some time at, watchin’ the sunset.

As with many of the other islands of Indonesia, gettin’ to Kri is gonna require some plannin’ as ya gonna need to catch a boat from Sorong. Check the schedules to make sure ya don’t miss it! It also be a good idea to find out if the accommodation y’all be stayin’ at, has transfers from the boat’s landing spot to the homestay itself. A lotta the homestays do have connections with divin’ operators, so y’all could save yourself some stress, but allowin’ the homestay to handle your divin’ bookin’ too. Many people, like me, know squat about scuba divin’, but some of the divin’ operators do have courses available. It be best to learn from a PADI-certified institution.

Kri Island ‘n Cape Kri definitely be somewhere I wanna visit, but right now, as I write this, there still be Coronavirus restrictions in place, keepin’ the spot off limits… for now.

‘Til next time… stay safe.

Author: JS

Travel Vlogger, Journalist,

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