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  • Asbat Mohamed


Indigenous knowledge and practices for marine ecotourism development in Misool, Raja Ampat, Indonesia

This doctoral study examines the complexities of integrating Indigenous knowledge and practices into sustainable marine ecotourism development, with a focus on the case study of...

Awaiting the Birth of Railways in Papua

The government is targeting the railway lines operating in 2030 to reach 13,000 kilometers. Commitment to infrastructure development remains a pillar of Joko Widodo Government...

Developing Papua, Developing Indonesia

The Government’s commitment to Papua’s infrastructure development and human development continues to this day. Papua has been the focus of attention since the beginning of...

President Issues More Inclusive Papua Development Guidelines

President issues a presidential instruction as a guideline for the development of Papua that will be more innovative, inclusive and affirmative by emphasizing social harmony...

<strong>Enjoy Exotic Landscape of Habema Lake, The Highest Lake in Indonesia</strong>

Papua can be said as a Paradise of Indonesia because there are so many stunning and exotic places to explore. Danau Habema which can also...