Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized that the development carried out by the government is currently Indonesia-centric and Papua is one of the development priorities.
“Once again, I want to convey that Indonesia’s current development is not Java-centric, but Indonesia-centric. “And, the land of Papua is a priority for the development that we carry out,” said the President when inaugurating the Papua Youth Creative Hub, in Jayapura City, Tuesday (21/03/2023).
The President also explained a number of developments that had been carried out in Papua, starting from the construction of the Trans Papua Road and border roads, the construction and revitalization of airports, to the construction of border areas and state border crossing posts (PLBN).
“We have built the 3,462 kilometer Trans Papua Road in Papua, the border road, 1,098 kilometers has been built in Papua, the 1.3 kilometer Youtefa Bridge in Jayapura, Domine Eduard Osok Airport in Sorong we have also repaired the terminal, our airport in Wamena wake up, Jayawijaya. Then also, cross-border construction in three locations, as I remember in Skouw, then in Sota, then finally in Yetetkun, in Boven Digoel. “We have finished everything,” he said.
Furthermore, the Head of State invited the Papuan people to take part in overseeing the development process in the Land of Papua. The President revealed that from 2014 to 2022 the budget allocation coming out of the center, provinces and districts/cities for the development of Papua reached IDR 1,036 trillion.
“I ask the people in Papua, please monitor this, guard it, keep observing it, don’t turn it anywhere else it won’t become an item, be careful about this. Because corruption is a scourge for all provinces in the context of development in our regions. “Once again, I ask that you be supervised, continuously guarded, and seen carefully, because there is a lot of money in Papua,” he said. (TGH/UN)