Lorentz National Park, Exotic Largest Park in Southeast Asia

Lorentz National Park, Exotic Largest Park in Southeast Asia

Source: tamannasionallorentz.menlhk.go.id

Lorentz National Park (Taman Nasional Lorentz) is one of exotic places in eastern Indonesia. It is located in the southwest of Western New Guinea, Papua. This National Park covers an area of 2.4 million hectares and becomes the largest National Park in Southeast Asia. Before venturing further about this National Park and what we will find there, let’s learn a little history of this place. Lorentz National Park was first established in 1997.

Lorentz is named after Hendrikus Albertus Lorentz, a Dutch biologist. He led an expedition in 1909 who passed the site and became the forerunner to the National Park’s name. Well, in 1999, UNESCO designated Lorentz National Park as one of the World Heritage Sites.

Not only that, WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) as one of the international non-governmental organizations also established this National Park as the largest conservation area which has the most complete ecosystem in the Asia-Pacific region. The park stretched for 150 kilometers from the top of the Cartenz mountains in the north to the border of the Arafura seafront in the south. Can you imagine what you will find when exploring this wide park?

Lorentz National Park Attractions

Biodiversity in Lorentz National Park is indeed extraordinary, especially since the conservation area that stretches across 10 districts has the most complete ecosystem in the world. Viewed from the aspect of ecosystem diversity, Lorentz National Park covers all major ecosystem types in Papua. It ranges from grasslands, swamps, rainforest, sago forest, peat forests, coastal ecosystems, marine ecosystem, mountains, subalpine ecosystem (tree line), alpine ecosystem, eternal snow mountain ecosystem, beaches and many more.

Various species from the Lorentz National Park area contribute to Papua’s biodiversity. There are at least 1200 flowering plants, 123 mammal species, and 150 reptile as well as amphibian species. In addition, Lorentz is also an Endemic Bird Area with almost 45 species of birds with limited distribution and 9 species of endemic birds.

Well, most of the terrain may not be fully explored. However, there are still several spots or activities most tourists can do when visiting Lorentz since there are many attractions available. So, what are tourism destinations in Lorentz National Park in Papua? Here are some recommendations you should visit during your trip to Papua.

Baliem Valley

Balem valley also known as “Grand Valley”, probably becomes one of the most popular spots visited by most tourists to spot exotic natural landscapes in Lorentz National Park. It is a 72 kilometers long valley surrounded by high mountain peaks. This spot is located in the city of Wamena. It offers a view of a valley with Jayawijaya background which looks great.

There is also Habema Lake in this area and is often called a cloud covered lake. The tourists have to climb over the central mountain to be able to reach the lake and it will be so fun. Other spots that should not be missed are Maima Blue Lake and Kontilola Cave.

If you are interested in local culture and traditions, visiting the Baliem Valley Festival will be a great idea. It is a celebration of various tribes of Baliem culture and tradition. There are various tribes from villages in Baliem that perform dances, mock wars, pig races and other amazing traditional activities during the festival. The festival is usually held in August. You should not miss the festival as witnessing this festival will be a rare opportunity.

Endangered Species Habituation

Taman Nasional Lorentz becomes home to 630 species of birds and 123 species of mammals (which have so far been identified) including Kangaroos and other endangered species. Yes, the Papuan kangaroo has been included in the list of endangered animals in Indonesia which are now being protected from extinction.

In addition, there are other endemic animals that can be found in Lorentz National Park include Bird of Paradise or Cenderawasih, cassowary and Snow Quail. Lorentz National Park, however, has various types of plants including endemic species of plants. The types of plants in the area include nipah and mangrove. It’s normal that Papua is said to be a hidden paradise in Indonesia. You can spot beautiful landscapes with natural views, and spot hundreds of majestic flora and fauna in the island.

Eternal Snow of Jayawijaya

This location is very special where this is the only snowy area in Indonesia. You cannot find any other snowy place in Indonesia except at the peak of Jayawijaya. This peak becomes one of 7 highest peaks (seven summits) in the world with a height of 4,884 meters. It is the location of the Carstensz glacier.

Well, in local dialect, this peak is also known as Nemangkawi Ninggok or Puncak Panah Putih. This mountain can be climbed but you will need good climbing experience as well as permission. To reach the top of the mountain, it is advisable to hire a porter for help. If you plan to climb this mountain, you can contact the Lorentz National Park Office for licensing information.

Papuan Tribes

In addition to exploring the natural wealth in Papua, it is also great to get to know some of the indigenerous tribes in Papua. So far, nine inland tribal groups have been identified living within the Lorentz National Park area. They are Nduga, Dani, West Dani/Lani, Sempan, Amungme, Somahai, Komoro, Moni, and Asmat. Asmat is one of the famous Papuan tribes for their world-famous wood carving craft. Current population of those tribes is estimated between 6.300 and 10.000. Besides, it is suspected that there are still many other tribes living in Lorentz National Park which are unidentified yet.

Visiting the largest National Park in eastern Indonesia which is rich in culture, tradition and exotic landscape will be very interesting. You can spot various majestic creatures living in this paradise-like area. Well, this paradise can be reached from Wamena, Jayapura, Biak or Timika. The trip to Jayapura, Wamena, Tmika or Biak can be done through flight. Well, if you plan to have a trip to Taman Nasional Lorentz, it would be better in August or December so that you can spot special moments especially the Baliem Valley Festival which is rare.

Asbat Mohamed
Author: Asbat Mohamed

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