Life’s a Beach, ‘Specially in Sorong

Life’s a Beach, ‘Specially in Sorong

So y’all, I briefly touched on the beaches of Sorong in my first post, but as December be comin’ closer and my hopes be risin’ to visit West Papua over Christmas, I been researchin’ all the beautiful beaches ’round the second largest city in the province, Sorong. My beady eyes be watchin’ out for changes in the requirements to enter Indonesia. Whoop whoop to their government for bringin’ the mandatory quarantine time down from five days to three.

I have found seven different beaches in or around Sorong. Some need ya to pay an entry fee, others are free, but with the exchange rate bein’ what it is, entry fees are pretty much ‘free’ for most travellers. But seven beaches?Seven! Around one city y’all. In some places in the US, like LA, there be 65 along the whole coastline, ‘n around New Orleans there be fifteen, so for a small province like West Papua to have seven is quite a thang y’all.

I already mentioned the yellow seahorses, corals ‘n walking sharks in my post about Triton Bay last week. What I didn’t know is that starfish be full up in the area too. Golly gosh y’all, them sea stars are fascinatin’ creatures! Did ya know they are brainless, bloodless creatures, that can grow their own arms back?

Stayin’ with sea life, there be another beach close to Sorong where y’all can be seein’ sea turtles. It be called Pulau Um Beach. Like many of the beaches in Indonesia, Pulau Um has white sands, and be a real popular spot for us touristy folks. Conservation be a big deal in a lotta spots around West Papua; Pulau Um be such a place. The sea turtles ain’t the only animals protected, there be wild bats hangin’ in the trees, livin’ their best lives y’all.

Movin’ along… y’all know how much I love food, so lazin’ on the beach ‘n enjoyin’ delicious seafood make me think jackpot. There be a lobster dish called udang selingkuh that’s served in ‘n around Dofior Beach (also in West Papua). The views of the sunset from this beach are apparently somethin’ that’ll snatch y’alls breath away.

If, like me, y’all up for minglin’ with the locals (after all, they do know the best places to do stuff), then a great beach to visit be Werur Beach. Many locals hang out at this beach, so it may be busiers than some others, but that ain’t bad, right? The white beach stretches quite long, but unlike some of the other beaches, it has many trees around that be makin’ shade for suntannin’ people.

If y’all still not beached out ‘n up for some more adventure, y’all could hire a boat for a day ‘n head out to a hidden paradise called Harlem Beach to enjoy some isolated rest ‘n relaxation. It definitely be worth the trip.

‘Til next week, y’all. Be safe, ‘n stay awesome!

Author: JS

Travel Vlogger, Journalist,

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