Historical Exoticism in Papua and Base-G Beach

Historical Exoticism in Papua and Base-G Beach

Source: rimbakita.com

Base-G beach, also known as Tanjung Ria beach or locally called Srawa Cawa is located in East Jayapura, Papua. It is a beach that is managed by the indigenous people of kayo Bato Village. Behind its beauty, the beach has a history that is quite interesting. Base G beach is located 10 kilometers from jayapura city and only takes about 20 minutes from Jayapura city.

The beach which is an icon of Jayapura and source of livelihood for local indigenous people keeps unique historical value. This beach became a witness to the history of World War II in 1944. At that time, allied forces established military bases around this coastal area. The name Base-G derived from the initial function of this coast as “homebase” of allied forces. Then, the letter “G” (7th alphabet) indicates that this place is the 7th homebase.

At that time, this beach became a force for allied forces led by general McArthur before pounding Japanese troops in the Philippines. Thus, the local community then called the beach by the name of Base-G. The beach is then more popular with this unique name and leads to tourists to visit. It has an area of about 90 hectares with a coastline length of 6 to 15 meters.

The width of the rear beach reaches 15 to 40 meters and the width of the water is 150 to 400 meters. Tourists can do various activities, including swimming, exploring the beach by boat, fishing as well as diving. The white sandy beach faces east and is directly chained to the Pacific ocean.

Base-G Beach Destination

The beach has a beautiful view and a quiet atmosphere which will be suitable for people who want to have a ‘real’ vacation. There are many things to do in this beach such as diving, fishing, boating, swimming or just enjoy the view in the gazebos provided by the local community. The Quiet and calm nuance of the beach is supported by towering trees blown by the wind around the beach. If you are interested in visiting this unique beach, here are some recommended things you can find and do.

Enjoy the Panorama

Perhaps, one of the attractions of this beach is the historical value behind it as well as its unique name. Beautiful landscape of the beach is also interesting so that many people visit the beach. While staying on this beach, you will be spoiled with exotic beach views. The white sand on the beach is very soft too. You can enjoy the view while walking around the beach barefoot to feel the soft sand. It will be more perfect accompanied with the sound of the waves. The atmosphere will be quiet and calmer.

Base-G clear bluish sea water reflects the beauty of the golden morning sun. Just for information, Base-G beach has bigger waves than other nearby beaches. This is due to the geographical location directly opposite the Pacific Ocean. However, there is no need to worry about that. The manager has installed a coral breakwater about a kilometer from he beach to reduce the magnitude of the waves.

Sunrise and Sunset Spot

Most tourists visit the beach to be able to enjoy its beauty including enjoying sunrise or sunset. These events are always worth waiting for during the trip to the beach. Well, Base-G allows the tourists to spot beautiful sunrise in the morning. The view will spoil every eye with exotic golden sun rising from the east.

Clear with bluish color sea water will reflect the beauty of the golden morning sun rises. Many tourists deliberately come earlier in the morning to Base-G only to enjoy the view of the sunrise. Some of them also come in the evening to spot sunset which also gives an exotic landscape. This spot is suitable for people who like photography to capture beautiful moments of sunrise and sunset in Papua.


It has been said that Base-G is located directly opposite the Pacific Ocean. Thus, this geographical condition causes the beach to have bigger waves. Is it safe if the beach is used to swim? Yes, the manager has built a breakwater 1 kilometer away from the shore. So, the waves that reach the shore will not be so strong.

Therefore, the beach is suitable for swimming but you still have to be careful. In addition, the beach has a shallow and wide beach coastline for swimming. Walking around or swimming in this beach will be more fun and exciting with such a condition.


For those who love sport, especially fishing, Base-G becomes a great spot for fishing. This beach provides a number of fishing spots that are comfortable and fun. Even local residents used to catch fishes in this location. They usually dive to the shore and catch fishes using small spears. If you want to get fresh fish without any effort, there is a famous fish market located only 30 minutes from Base-G. It is Hamadi market.

Facilities in Base-G Beach

Facilities become one of the most important aspects of a tourist destination. This is related to the safety and comfort of the visitor. Base-G is very close to Jayapura City with an easy route. It is not surprising that the beach is visited by many tourists both from local and foreign tourists. In order to give comfort and safety to the visitors, Base-G provides public facilities including a parking area, toilets, Gazebos, restaurants, and inns.

Beside Base-G, there is another beautiful beach located in Tanjung Ria too. It is Pasir Dua that is located only 7 minutes from Base-G. It is called as Pasir Dua because this beach has a stretch of sand with two contrasting and different colors of sand. Most beaches in Papua, especially Jayapura have their own unique style.

The view and the conditions make them very interesting and worth visiting. The beaches are also really close to the city so they will be easy to reach. Well, if you are in Jayapura city, do not forget to stop at Base-G beach and other nearby beaches to enjoy their exotic panorama.

Asbat Mohamed
Author: Asbat Mohamed

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