Famous Attractions in Papua

Famous Attractions in Papua

Papua Located in the eastern part of the island of Papua, the province has many national parks and also a variety of interesting cultures to see and visit. Papua also opens our eyes to see that beautiful places in Indonesia are not only in crowded places. We can feel the life of local residents who are still traditional, traveling while enjoying nature and trying the local specialities. There are a lot of tourist attractions in Papua, such as Raja Ampat, Bosnik Beach and the others. Here are some of the tourist attractions in Papua.

  • Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat was originally a unity with a district of Sorong, until it finally became the Raja Ampat district in 2004. The Islands with beautiful underwater scenery are well known to many local and foreign tourists and are included as one of the World heritage sites with the most beautiful views in the world.

To reach and walk around Raja Ampat, we can take a boat or stay overnight at one of the resorts in the Raja Ampat islands. Raja Ampat is certainly very popular to be a suitable tourist spot for young people and also couples who are looking for tourist attractions for honeymoon.

Although many divers make Raja Ampat a chosen destination because it has many types of coral reefs and marine animals, there are also many things to see in Raja Ampat besides the underwater beauty. One of them is white sandy beaches, Karst islands and also endemic flora and fauna such as paradise and orchids. Those are some of the famous tourist attractions in Raja Ampat.

  • Bosnik Beach

It’s a beach that located about 15 km from the city of Biak. Even though it has beautiful underwater scenery, tourists who want to snorkel should be careful about the dangers of water tourism. Even for travelers who don’t want to snorkel, can relax and enjoy the view of white sand and blue water on Bosnik beach.

The beach is quite crowded with visitors because the scenery is indeed asking for fees to enter the beach area. But, of course, it is worth the view and also the beautiful atmosphere but still soothing.

  • Wafsarak Waterfall

Located quite far from the city of Biak, the waterfall which must be taken 2 hours from downtown by car or motorcycle is also located not far from the beach. The waterfall which is also called the Warsa waterfall has a height of about 10 meters, although it is classified as gentle, but the view of the waterfall and the rustling sound of the water that greets us when entering the waterfall area is very soothing.

The locals really maintain the cleanliness of these attractions that can be seen from the blue color of the waterfall and the cool scenery that is still natural. To enter the waterfall area, there is a collection of fees per group of 35 thousand rupiah. Visiting this waterfall, we are allowed to swim and enjoy the view of this waterfall tourism of course there are many places that also provide the beauty of waterfall tourism in Indonesia that must be visited.

  • Lake Sentani

The lake, which is below the slopes of the Cyclops Nature Reserve, has 22 “islands” in it that are so large that they can be seen from the air when we board a plane. To visit the islands in it, we can rent a small motorboat in one of the villages near the lake.

There are 24 villages around this lake and we can buy local handicrafts and taste culinary dishes in various tourist attractions in Papua such as papeda and also processed fish.

One of the islands frequented by tourists is the island of Asei, which also sells distinctive crafts in the form of wood carvings and other handicrafts that are no less interesting. There are more than 30 species of fish around the lake and we can also watch the locals catch and process fish. One of the highlights of this is that in June, we can watch the festival which is the attraction of local residents and war dances.

  • Lake Paniai

This lake once held the title of the 157th most beautiful lake in the world in November 2007, the views of this lake can no longer be doubted. To reach this lake, you can drive from the city of Enarotali or you can also by air which is a Cessna type aircraft. Many locals and foreign tourists are eyeing the lake at sunset.

Paniai lake area is located in the mountains and is around 1700 meters above the sea level, making the atmosphere around the lake cool. Although it is located in a mountainous area, Lake Paniai has many species of shrimp and fish. One of them is cheating shrimp, a type of shrimp which is an endemic species of Papua.

Besides enjoying the scenery on the lake, tourists can also enjoy other activities such as fishing for fish and freshwater sea animals or enjoy the scenery on the lake by renting a boat. There are many facilities around the lake, one of which is a guesthouse, travel agent, hotel, restaurant and souvenir shop. We can also hire a guide and utilize the function of the tour guide to help us with travel.

Asbat Mohamed
Author: Asbat Mohamed

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