Cenderawasih Bay National Park (Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih) can be one of the interesting tourist destinations in the eastern part of Indonesia. This National Park is precisely located in Cenderawasih Bay in West Papua Province including the Island of Mioswaar, Nusrowi, Ron, Rumberpon and Yoop.
The nearest town in this National Park is the City of Manokwari. Cenderawasih National Park becomes the largest marine water national in Indonesia consisting of 0,9% coastal, 3,8% island, 5,5% coral reefs, and 89,8% marine. It covers an area of 14,535 square kilometers.
Well, this National Park is a representative of coral reef ecosystems, beaches, mangrove, as well as tropical forest of the mainland in Papua. The natural wealth of this location makes Cenderawasih Bay National Park as a hidden paradise in the eastern part of Indonesia. It makes this location also a perfect tourism spot which offers various interesting places to visit and enjoy.
Cenderawasih Bay National Park Biodiversity
Cenderawasih Bay National Park area has a diversity of ecosystems ranging from land/island troposi ecosystems, mangrove, coastal forest, seagrass meadow to coral reef ecosystem. Can you imagine how many things you can find when visiting this Park? Well, let’s begin to explore the park from its primary forest vegetation which has various endemic flora including Vatica Papuana and many others.
In the coastal forest vegetation, there is mangrove forest. Of the various biodiversity that exist, the most interesting among all is the potential of corals in Cenderawasih Bay National Park. There are almost 200 types of corals that consist of 67 genera and subgenera of Scleractinia corals. There are also Blue Corals or Heliopora Coenela found in this location as well as any other various corals.
In line with the type of coral reefs in Paradise Bay, the types of fishes that live in the area also vary. As cited from the official website of Cenderawasih Bay National Park, there are 836 fish species from 80 families such as estuary fish, mangrove fish as well as coral fish. Even more interestingly, there are still endemic fish species that can be found in the area, namely Pelagis fish, Hemyscyllium Galei, Pictichormis Caitlinae, and Cirhilabrus Cenderawasih fish.
In addition to a number of species of beautiful fishes, another type of fish that can be found in the area is whale sharks. Those majestic creatures have become one of the most popular attractions in Cenderawasih Bay National Park. This attraction can lead to almost 5.000 local and international visitors each year. Are you interested too to see those sharks closer?
As a Paradise Bay
There are always more interesting creatures can be found in Cenderawasih Bay National Parks. Besides various species of fish, here are also live various types of Mollusca such as Cypraea spp, Lambis spp, Conus spp, Charonia tritonis, and Tridacna gigas. This location is truly a paradise for so many majestic creatures, right?
Well, did you know if green turtles are currently endangered? Turtles extinction is caused by various factors so there needs to be efforts to preserve them. Therefore, Cenderawasih Bay National Park provides nesting habitat for green turtles and becomes a feeding area for leatherback as well as olive ridley turtles. There are four types of turtles that can be found in the area such as Eretmochelys imbricata, chelonia mydas, lepidochelys olivaceae, and dermochelys coriacea.
This paradise bay, then can be the best location for tourists to get unforgettable and spectacular vacation experiences should not be missed. If you plan to take a trip to the eastern part of Indonesia, make sure to put Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih in the list. Here are some recommended spots that can be visited to explore all these areas of biodiversity as well.
Rumberpon Island
Cenderawasih Bay National Park consists of several islands including Rumberpon Island. It is located in Wondama Bay. This island offers beautiful scenery where the tourists can have various interesting yet spectacular experiences while spending vacation.
This destination becomes the most popular spot for most tourists. Here, tourists can explore the island through nautical tourism to feel its nature. Tourists will also be able to explore marine life by diving or snorkeling. Rumberpon also offers uniqueness where the tourist will get special experience to spot endangered fauna, namely “Burung Rusa” of Cervus Timorensis, Eagles, Dugong and Kuskus.
Nusrowi Island
Cenderawasih Bay, probably not only became paradise for so many majestic creatures but also became a paradise for most divers. There are many diving and snorkeling spots available in this bay including in Nusrowi Island. It offers exotic diving spots even for beginners to explore its marine life.
Nusrowi Island
This Indonesian eastern paradise will never be enough to spoil the visitors with its nature. Moving to Mioswaar island, visitors will be able to explore natural caves from ancient times. The cave keeps the history of Wandau’s ancestor, the group of people believed to have first inhabited the island. The island also offers a natural hot spring bath containing sulfur and a beautiful waterfall landscape.
Yoop Island
Yoop Island becomes a “must visit” spot when you are in Cenderawasih Bay National Park. The island. perhaps, becomes the most popular spot most tourists visit. The main attraction of the island is whale sharks and dolphins. Here, tourists will be able to swim extremely close to the whale sharks or watch a group of dolphins swim very close. It would be a very spectacular experience, right?
Roon Island
Last but not least, tourists can find other diving and snorkeling spots around Roon Island. The water is clear and clean and very suitable for diving or snorkeling to explore its marine life. Moving to the land, Roon island becomes home of thousands of fauna such birds and bats and explore their natural habitat closer.
This paradise bay seems very interesting to be explored where you can find various majestic life creatures. To get to Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih, you can take a plane to Manokwari or Nabire. From those cities, the National Park can be accessed by longboat for 5,5 hours and enjoy the paradise.