Education: The Most Important Cornerstone

Education: The Most Important Cornerstone

Tags:#education, #Indonesia, #letsgo, #wannabethravelbee, #WestPapua, #wheretonext, #wheretonextblog, education quotes, government funding, government intervention, Indonesia, Infrastructure improvement, vacation, WannabeTravelBee, West Papua, Where to Next

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world ~ Nelson Mandela

Education is power. It’s just like a light in complete darkness ~ Ziauddin Yousafzai

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn ~ Alvin Toffler

Y’all, I’m gonna lean away from the touristy stuff for a bit. Ya see, I be doin’ a lotta readin’ up about how places all over the world be tryin’ to make life better for their citizens. In some places, the young uns in the countryside rural-like areas get left behind as far as good schoolin’ ‘n such is involved. Quite a lotta countries have started education programs includin’ Indonesia. Papua is receivin’ great attention with teachers at the forefront of trainin’. With technology constantly movin’ forward, there is huge focus on gettin’ the teachers up to speed with tech, ‘specially digital books.

One article I read mentioned that teachers use tech for lesson prep ‘n admin stuff, but not for actual lessons. Like, why not?! Fortunately in places where there ain’t high-speed internet, the data charges in Indonesia are quite low, which will make accessin’ the web a little easier. We’re all raisin’ a generation of techies on some level, so implementin’ the use of gadgets like tablets ‘n laptops seems like a no-brainer. The Indonesian government is in charge of programs like this, and is workin’ hard toward gettin’ the minds of the educators shifted, and it seems to be workin’ because durin’ school closures (courtesy of the darn Coronavirus), teachers began doin’ online classes ‘n such. This is a top-notch accolade for Papua ‘specially, because it don’t have the same tech infrastructure the larger cities have, so I reckon these teachers ‘n the government deserve their own gold star y’all!

Tech can be costly, sure. So there is gonna have to be some thinkin’ out the box. I read about a device called a Raspberry PI, which from what I can gather, is like an e-book reader, or an iPad, but with offline capability only. It’s a cool way to store textbooks ‘n other learnin’ materials. Way less heavy than my school case back in the day, I’m sure.

The one thing I personally love about tech learnin’ (in places that have good internet coverage) is that kids don’t need to be stuck in the classroom all day. If they be learnin’ about somethin’ like carin’ for the oceans, they could have a lesson on the beach or at the zoo (assumin’ they’re close to it). If they be on a field trip (one day when COVID is somethin’ of the past), they can scan QR codes at certain places, learnin’ somethin’ that ain’t necessarily in their learnin’ materials.

One of the key factors in any kinda program that is to the benefit of the people is to get all stakeholders on board. The government can plough millions of Rupiah’s into education in Papua ‘n surrounds. If the teachers ain’t sharin’ the vision, the kids are gonna sense it. Thankfully, the teachers are movin’ forward, ensurin’ a better education for the kids in their care, so that they may be literate learners, lighin’ the darkness around ‘em and changin’ the world.

Author: JS

Travel Vlogger, Journalist,

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