Cenderawasih Bay: West Papua, Indonesia: Whale Shark

Cenderawasih Bay: West Papua, Indonesia: Whale Shark

Image by Canva.com (Pro Account) ~Photograph by paulbcowell (Getty Images)

I can’t wait for the day this darn Coronavirus is gone

Maybe it’ll take all ‘em anti-vaxxers with it too. I’ve lost a few people already. Emotionally, it’s takin’ a toll on me. Good golly y’all! I seriously wanna go on vacation, just to gather myself again. I feel like I’m just existin’, not livin’.

My research into a potential Indonesian break continues. The more I be readin’, the more excited I be gettin’. Man, there is so much to see and do. Today I wanna tell you ‘bout shark divin’ in West Papua.

You gonna need to catch a plane to get to Cenderawasih (Bird of Paradise) Bay, so be sure to slot airfare into your budget and set aside some sightseein’ time for Biak and/or Manowari dependin’ on your entry/exit points. If ya round Sorong, ya can hop on a bus or into a minibus to get to Manowari.

You gonna need to catch a plane to get to Cenderawasih (Bird of Paradise) Bay, so be sure to slot airfare into your budget and set aside some sightseein’ time for Biak and/or Manowari dependin’ on your entry/exit points. If ya round Sorong, ya can hop on a bus or into a minibus to get to Manowari.

I have friends in Africa who’ve gone to Gans (Goose) Bay to go divin’ with Great White Sharks. Them critters be big, sure, but they ain’t no match for the whale sharks in Cenderawasih Bay in West Papua. And the water is warm, y’all: 80-86˚ F! The whale sharks in Cerderawasih Bay don’t migrate elsewhere, so you can go divin’ with ‘em any time.

Some fun facts about these amazin’ creatures:

  • They be the biggest fish around, but eat some of the smallest food sources in the sea
  • The ladies are larger than the man; kinda like a prayin’ mantis, but without gettin’ their heads bitten off after matin’ 
  • Even though they can live to be centenarians, they be an endangered species
Image by Canva.com (Free) ~Photography by Leonardo Lamas – Pexels Image by Canva.com (Free) ! Photograph by JimmyDominico (Pixabay)
Image by Canva.com (Free) ~Photography by Leonardo Lamas – Pexels Image by Canva.com (Free) ! Photograph by JimmyDominico (Pixabay)

The accommodation options around Cenderawasih Bay don’t seem to be full up, so I am gonna make sure I plan good ‘n proper. I’d be fine with sleepin’ in a hut on the beach, so long it’s clean. Some reviews I seen say there is no cell, or wifi service ‘n’ others say there is. Guess I’ll find out when I’m there, right? There be liveaboard options too, so maybe I’ll do the two birds ‘n one stone thing, who knows?

With all o’ them developments around West Papua to make it more accessible to us tourists and the locals, there has been major focus on the transportation routes. If you be more of a road trippin’ vacationer, why not rent a car and take the West Papua Route to visit a list full o’ interestin’ places? With 30 days visa-free travel for tourists, I’m doggone sure it’ll be the vacation of a lifetime!

“He who does not travel does not know the value of men.”
– Moorish Proverb
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