A glimpse of Papua

A glimpse of Papua

Papua is a province in Indonesia which is located on the western island of New Guinea.  

Papua is also often referred to as West Papua because Papua can refer to the entire island of New Guinea including the eastern part of the neighboring country, East New Guinea or Papua New Guinea. West Papua is the term preferred by nationalists who want to separate themselves from Indonesia and form their own country. This province was previously known as West Irian from 1969 to 1973, the name was then changed to Irian Jaya by Soeharto when inaugurating the Freeport copper and gold mine, a name that remained in official use until 2002. The name of this province was changed to Papua in accordance with Law No. 21/2001 Special Autonomy for Papua. During the Dutch colonial era, this area was called Dutch New Guinea.The origin of the word Irian is Join the Republic of Indonesia Anti-Netherland.  

The word Papua itself comes from Malay which means curly hair, a description that refers to the physical appearance of indigenous tribes. 

In 2004, accompanied by various protests, Papua was divided into two provinces by the Indonesian government. The eastern part retained the name Papua while the western part became West Irian Jaya which is now West Papua Province.


  1. An area
  2. Area 420,540 km
  3. Climate
  4. Rainfall 1,800 3,000 mm
  5. Air temperature 19-28 C
  6. Humidity 80 %

Indigenous tribal groups in Papua

The indigenous tribal groups in Papua consist of 255 tribes, each with a different language. These tribes include:

  • Ansus
  • Amungme
  • Asmat
  • Ayamaru, inhabits the Sorong area
  • Bauzi
  • Breed
  • Dani
  • Empur, inhabits the Kebar and Amberbaken areas
  • Hatam, inhabit the Ransiki and Oransbari areas
  • Yep
  • Comoros
  • Mee, inhabit the Paniai mountain area
  • Meyakh, inhabits Manokwari City
  • Moskona, inhabits the Merdei area
  • Nafri
  • Sentani, inhabit around Lake Sentani
  • Souk, inhabits the Anggi and Manyambouw areas
  • Waropen
  • Wamesa inhabits the area south of Wondawa Bay (wandamen)
  • Muyu
  • Repent
  • Enggros
  • Korowai
  • Fuyu
Mohammed Phiri
Author: Mohammed Phiri

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