The efforts of the Indonesian central and regional government in maintaining the natural sustainability in Papua

The efforts of the Indonesian central and regional government in maintaining the natural sustainability in Papua

The efforts of the Indonesian central and regional government in maintaining the natural sustainability in Papua the forest has become part of the cultural identity of Papuan indigenous peoples. In many places in the forest area there are the homes of the ancestral-cultural history that the vibrant divisions. Forests and Papuan indigenous peoples have formed a period of requiring the relationship of mutual need that has been undergoing hereditary. Forests give livelihoods in indigenous peoples. In contrast, various forms of local wisdom practices indigenous peoples contribute to maintaining the sustainability of natural resources.

The Government of Indonesia is very optimal in maintaining natural sustainability in Papua. This is characterized by the extent and the dense of forest cover in Papua which is currently still a widest forest cover in Indonesia. In addition to his ocean or coast and Mount Jayawijaya, Papua is also known as his hungry. The Papua’s natural sink made it one of the world’s lungs, in addition to the island in Kalimantan. Natural conditions on earth Cendrawasih are unique and very interesting, with the nature that is still green, hills and mountains, as well as beautiful beaches. The natural sustainability in Papua is maintained to be damaged and making his citizens cry. If nature is not maintained then it can bring 1001 disasters, such as landslides, floods, and so forth.

The Indonesian government ensures on earth Cendrawasih maintained natural and no illegal logging or other deeds that destroy the forest there. Based on the data of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of the Indonesian government of Papua has a huge area of 34.4 hectares. This area is the most extensive if compared to Kalimantan or other islands in Indonesia. Area of forest cover increases 4% if compared with last year. In the sense, the Indonesian government has been successful in maintaining the natural sustainability of Papua because there is a huge increase in forest cover. Thereby reforestation and other programs to further doubt Papua, because in addition to being the world’s lungs, forests are also a source of livelihood of some people and fauna there. And they can also take part of the earthquake in the forest and sell it to the market.

Natural Guarantees Papua is a form of sustainable development program on Earth Cenderawasih of the Government of Indonesia. In the sense, development in Papua will occur until the years in the future and certainly will not damage the beauty and the natural society there. Forests in Papua will not be gain because of rapid development. Indeed there was a concern when there were various infrastructure built in Papua like the Youthepa Bridge and Palapan path. But the Indonesian government ensures no forest destruction because of development, because before the start of the project has consulted with experts from the Environmental Service. The Government of Indonesia will not be able to damage the beautiful natural Papua because it is damaging the forest is a criminal action. Forests on earth Cendrawasih will be very guarded, because it can be a tourist attach while simultaneously uses from the effect of global warming. Temperature in Indonesia is required to be maintained, how to continue to hold a program for natural sustainability. Do not get the forest of Papua Gundul and only so history, because the Indonesian government keeps there is no illegal logging there. The guard is also tightened that there is no naughty naked then secretly stealing wood and intending to nurse. Do not get the birds of cendrawasih and other animals in the forest so lose the place to stay.

Maintaining natural sustainability of certain needing funds that are not little and the village funds given the central government can be used partially to cover it. If there is money from the village funds then it can check the forest guard, replacing the damaged plant (because it is old or harmonious natural disaster), etc. The community is also used to take care of nature sustainability by not cutting trees in the rapidite. Even if there is a tree, but it is too high so worrying will be proposed and damaging the building around it, or the roots are too large so damage the highway. The natural sustainability of Earth Cendrawasih is completely guarded by the Indonesian and local government of the Government. Some village funds are allowed to be disbursed so that the forest and natural forests are tighter. There is no illegal logging that will harm, because the community is very maintaining the natural there. Even the Indonesian government of West Papua Province Participation asks all the tourism participants to take into maintaining the natural sustainability of Raja Ampat County which is a world tour destination. Hope for all tourism actors operating in Raja Ampat, especially cruise and lob or ship tours to not only enjoy the natural beauty, but also maintain natural sustainability. The Indonesian government of West Papua Province explains that one of the efforts to maintain the sustainability of the rapid of the Raja Ampat is involving the local community who became a tour guide. The involvement of local communities, especially tour guides to avoid natural damage such as tourist ships crashing into coral reefs because the local community knowing the territory.

Asbat Mohamed
Author: Asbat Mohamed

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