Exploring Banos Island: A must – visit Place in West Papua for Travelers

Exploring Banos Island: A must – visit Place in West Papua for Travelers

If you are a traveler, you won,t miss challenging holiday adventures in Raja Ampat. There are many types of fun activities that you can do in the province of West Papua. One of the Islands that you must visit is Banos Island. Although small, this island saves its beauty with an unforgettable, comfortable atmosphere. The following is information about Banos Island.

Banos Island Atmosphere


Most people know that Banos Island is remote in size. It comes with a beautiful and unparalled view of the coast. Thus, that means the beach is the highlight of this Island. The clear and calm water can entertain everyone who comes there. At the same time, the sky is blue and the sun,s rays are reflected beautifully from the water.

The warm sea temperature satisfies swimmers who want to see the beauty of the underwater world. In addition, snorkelers can be happy playing in the calm seawater. In addition to these attractions, other attractions give interest. You can find traditional boats that often stop at Banos Island Beach.

Exploring Banos Island

  1. Exploring the Island  

Exploring the island is the main activity for tourists visiting Banos Island, West Papua. The first checkpoint will be greeted with the presence of Sorong City. From there, tourists have time to have breakfast before continuing the journey. Then, you need to access Sorong Harbor to arrive at the location.

With this in mind, it is time for you to rent a speedboat to Misool Island first. Once you have had a great time on the Island, your next destination will be the Island of Banos, which is beautiful and charming. This location is famous for snorkeling and other exciting activities. In other words, this part of the island is suitable for hikers, adventurers and divers.


  1. Visiting the Caves   

After having a pleasant time on Banos Island, you can continue your journey to the next destination. Various beauties are captivating from nature – Putri Tremenung Cave and Len Makana Beach. There, you will see how beautiful the view of the beach is pristine and untouched by many people.


  1. Enjoying the Sunset

The next destination in the afternoon is Harapan Jaya Village, a local traditional townlet in West Papua. You can enjoy a delicious dinner while watching a romantic sunset. This village is also the best place to rest for tourists who want a vacation with an unforgettable experience. You can relax while enjoying the beautiful sunset on the beach.


  1. Camping

If you want to be more at one with nature, there is ancient option that you can choose, namely camping. You can do it when you have free time to have a fun time. Alternatively, you can return to Banos beach to try a new adventure by building a tent. However, the relaxed and peaceful atmosphere of the island can entertain tourists.

  1. Snorkeling

One way to get the best experience while on vacation is enjoying the underwater beauty of Banos Island. You can find a variety of charming creatures around the waters of this island. You can see a variety of small marine life with unique corals. You only need to take a few minutes to get to the snorkeling location from the main island.

Tips for Traveling in Banos Island, West Papua

When visiting Banos Island, there are some tips and tricks that you can do. One of them is to come with a tour guide to explore the island. At least, it would be best if you talked to a tour agent in advance so you can plan a vacation in the Banos Island area. It helps you choose the night tour package based on your preferences.

Banos Island is easy to access, but visiting the location alone would be very inefficient. Not to mention tourists who still don’t know about other tourist attractions close to Banos. It is because you can find nearby attractions such as Harapan Jaya Village, Misool Island, Putri Termenung Cave and Len Makana Beach. The place provides a great experience while on vacation.   

Asbat Mohamed
Author: Asbat Mohamed

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