Dragons ‘n Gasoline

Dragons ‘n Gasoline

Tags:#Indonesia#letsgo#wannabetravelbee#WestPapua#wheretonextBoat TripsGasoline pricesgovernment fundinggovernment interventionIndonesiaKomodo DragonKomodo IslandUNESCOUNESCO World Heritage SitevacationWannabeTravelBeeWest Papua

A few countries be seein’ their currency strengthenin’ against the Dollar, which makes it more important ‘n ever to plan a vacation somewhere that gives value for money, or as I be sayin’ in a previous post, more bang for ya buck. I got friends that work for airlines ‘n on them fancy cruise liners and they all be sayin’ somethin’ in the line of routes are gonna change ‘n fares are gonna be goin’ up. Sure, the US may be thinkin’ of lettin’ go of some of their oil reserves, but that ain’t gonna plug the hole the conflict between Russia ‘n Ukraine be causin’. Life feels like it just be gettin’ harder, but hey, we can’t stop dreamin’. As the old sayin’ says if ya can dream it, ya can achieve it. Right?

One place in West Papua I think be worth seein’ be Komodo Island.

It be home to the Komodo Dragon, which ain’t actually a real dragon like them ones in GOT, but it does have somethin’ goin’ for it: it be the world’s largest lizard.

Unlike Arborek, which only has a handful of inhabitants, Komodo Island has roughly ‘bout 2000 people livin’ on the island. In my mind it be: more residents, more people to learn ‘bout the culture from.

Aside from bein’ a culture vulture, one of the main attractions for touristy folks be takin’ a boat trip over a couple o’ days to experience the Komodo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Boatin’ on its own is always fun, ‘n from the reviews I been readin’ the landscape is breathtakin’ ‘n a memory-maker that ain’t gonna break ya bank balance either. Some boatin’ tours be costing about $200 US per person for three days ‘n two nights, at current rates. What the price of boatin’ fuel is gonna be months down the line be anyone’s guess.

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) said in a 2015 study that “Indonesia had among the lowest prices for gasoline and diesel in the world.” I be keeping my fingers crossed that this remains so. The government of Indonesia has invested a lotta money into improvin’ things throughout the country, even the remotest areas, to bring tourists in. It would be a darn shame if the goal can’t be reached because of contributin’ factors that be outta their control. We all know too, that when gas prices rise, the prices of everythin’ else does too. For the poorest people, it makes life even harder  ‘n government strategists be pressured to come up with better solutions on a tighter budget. It ain’t easy, but many governments, like that of Indonesia be doin’ a fine job 

That be just some thoughts of this #wannabetravelbee. I think I’m gonna focus a bit more on Komodo Island next week too, because it be an adventurer’s paradise. Stay safe y’all ‘n keep those dreams alive!

Author: JS

Travel Vlogger, Journalist,

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