Food Estates

Food Estates

Hey y’all, as Christmas creeps closer, I be thinkin’ about how many of us have tables creaking under the weight of food, while there be many people around the world just grateful for a bowl o’ rice. Some countries have food aid programs, often not very successful. This could be because the ground ain’t fertile, fundin’ ain’t available, or somethin’ else. The reasons be as widespread as the problem itself, but this darn Coronvirus pandemic has made things even worse. More people be without a wage to feed their families; others be simply be sick.

I found somethin’ online about how the Indonesian government be lookin’ at a Food Estate project, in different parts of the country, includin’ Papua. The plannin’ is that this program will take place between 2020 ‘n 2024 with rice bein’ the main crop.

In other parts of the country, chilli, garlic ‘n shallots also be cultivated. For a long time Indonesia imported a lotta garlic from China, so cultivatin’ locally reduces expenditure, allowin’ for funds to be allocated differently.

Programs like this often have those who be for it, ‘n obviously those against it. Them people that be against it cite that the indigenous people are gonna lose their rights. I kinda understand where they be comin’ from, but I think the Indonesian government knows that destroyin’ ethnic land will reduce tourism, which is an integral income generator for the country and its expansion.

Other parties believe that food estates will lead to large scale deforestation, but the Indonesian government be tryin’ to keep it in check. A lotta food estates be on land that be used for agriculture or farmin’ before. Like the local tribes, the forests ‘n jungles of Indonesia, ‘specially Papua be tourist hotspots, so their preservation will surely be a high priority.

In all kinda industries there be pressure to reduce impact on the environment for future generations; looks like Indonesia may be on the right track.

Author: JS

Travel Vlogger, Journalist,

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