Traditional Tribes in Papua: Yali

Traditional Tribes in Papua: Yali

The tribe we be focusin’ on this week, be the Yali. Like the Dani, they be a major tribe in West Papua, but they ain’t as big a population and they be livin’ on the Eastern side of the province. If ya wanna be trekkin’ to see ’em, ya better be next-level fit, or easier, work through a tour operator that charters flights into the terrirtory.

Image from

In the 70’s they were known as pygmy cannibals, ’cause they destroyed their enemies, ate them, and strew their ground bones into the Baliem Valley. The missionaries that were stationed in West Papua converted many of the Yali to Protestants.

Now that I told you they be called pygmy, you obviously be understandin’ that they ain’t tall. American men be averaging a height of 5 ft 9in. The Yali pale in comparison; adult men be 4ft 9in at best.

As far as food goes, the Yali also have pig feasts for special ocassions, but outside o’ that, you will likely be eatin’ fish or game which the Yali catch themselves. They also eat lotsa root vegetables, ‘specially sweet taters ‘n a root called taro. It ya be partakin’ in a meal with any traditional tribes, follow the locals’ leads to be respectin’ their customs.

The men cover their crown jewels with a sheath called a koteka. The Dani men wear kotekas too, but differently to the way the Yali too. Small differences be super interestin’, right? The women cover their bottom halves with grass skirts, their breasts remain uncovered.

Next week I’m gonna be writin’ about the Lani tribe, and how they, the Dani ‘n the Yari tie in together.

Author: JS

Travel Vlogger, Journalist,

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