5 List of Typical Papuan Favorite Tourists When Visiting Papua

5 List of Typical Papuan Favorite Tourists When Visiting Papua

In Indonesia, there is an island called the World Heaven Island especially if it is not Papua Island. The beauty exposed on this island is amazing to witness. Serenity is also on this island because it is far from the hustle and bustle of solid cities in Indonesia. If you have the opportunity to visit Papua, don’t forget to also try its unique culinary tour. Especially before returning home, you have to buy his trademark souvenirs that cannot be found in other areas.

Here are 5 lists of favorite souvenirs from Papua that tourists usually buy:

1. Tifa Musical Instrument

This instrument resembles a drum that is played by being hit. This tifa is identical to the material covered in animal skin such as deer or biawak.

With a fairly slim shape, it is suitable to be made by Jayapura. Remember, the uniqueness of this tifa is made of intercontinental wood, which is the highest quality wood.

Tifa Papua has a handle on the tube and also has a more curved shape in the middle when compared to tifa from other regions.

2. Ant’s Nest

The souvenirs usually do not escape the city’s special food or drinks. The ant nest becomes a traditional Papua drink that is unique enough to try.

This is an ant nest that is made into a warm drink. You can consume this in the form of traditional drinks or from the nest stem directly.

3. Batik Papua

In addition to the famous batik production cities in Indonesia such as Pekalongan, DIY, and Solo, Papua also has a distinctive batik that you can make souvenirs. Batik Papua has a beautiful distinctive motif that makes it different from batik originating from Java.

Papua’s famous batik motifs include Asmat, Cendrawasih, Sentani, Tifa, and also Tambal Ukir. Motives that are quite well-known in tourists are the motifs of birds of love with diverse colors. Generally, this batik cloth is worn for formal and cultural events.

4. Cheek Chips

The keladi chips come from sweet potatoes or taro which are thinly sliced and fried to dry, resulting in a crispy texture. With the addition of seasonings in the form of garlic, salt, and chili, this keladi chips has a delicious sweet, spicy and savory taste.

5. Martabak Sagu

The sago martabak as the name is made of sagu. Sagu, which is one of the abundant natural products in Papua, is processed into various forms. This sago martabak when enjoyed can be filling because the basic ingredients themselves include basic food ingredients. The flavor that comes from this food is sweet so that many people like it.

You are obliged to enjoy the taste of this guaranteed sago martabak. Moreover, sagu martabak is also difficult for you to find in other are

Not only does it offer delicious culinary tours, Papua also comes with its thick culture and beautiful natural tourist destinations that look like a world paradise. Hopefully the 5 typical Papua souvenir references can be useful for those of you who want to find recommendations when traveling to Papua Island. 

Asbat Mohamed
Author: Asbat Mohamed

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