5 Facts About Papua Wamena Coffee Hunted by the World Community

5 Facts About Papua Wamena Coffee Hunted by the World Community

Wamena City, Papua has special and high-quality coffee. Its popular coffee beans are a bone of contention in the international coffee market.

Not only known as a spice-producing country, Indonesia is also popular for its coffee bean production. Almost all regions in Indonesia have coffee beans with special quality.
In the international coffee market, coffee beans from Indonesia are considered as a product that is quite dominating and contested by many countries. This is because of the quality and characteristics of coffee beans from Indonesia that are unique and special.

One of the best coffee producing regions is Wamena, Papua. Coffee beans from Wamena are known as one of the coffee beans that can compete with many coffee beans from various countries in the world. There are also many interesting facts behind this special coffee bean.

Here are 5 facts about Papua Wamena coffee beans that are worldwide according to Coffee Arks:

Papua Wamena coffee plants are treated in a natural way without pesticides.

1. Natural planting
Papua Wamena coffee beans have a unique planting technique. All stages are carried out naturally and are maintained regularly by coffee farmers from seeding to harvesting.

Papua Wamena coffee plants do not use pesticides at all to protect their plants from pests. It is said that this planting technique is believed to be able to provide coffee bean taste results with very high quality.

All the aromas and flavors of the surrounding plants are allowed to absorb into the coffee plant to give the coffee beans a more special flavor. This natural way of planting is proven to make coffee beans from Papua Wamena enriched with rare floral aromas.

2. Fresh taste
Planted together with other plants, Papua Wamena coffee plants absorb nutrients from the soil very well. This is what makes Papua Wamena coffee beans have a distinctive taste formed naturally.

Papua Wamena coffee beans are famous for their chocolate-like taste, medium acidity and thick coffee character. Many connoisseurs of this one coffee bean mention that its unique taste is strongly influenced by the character of the land in Papua.

The forests in Papua that are still overgrown with rare plants give an additional natural flavor to coffee that is different from other coffee beans. Even the wealth stored in the land of Papua is considered to be the main factor that makes all plants that grow on it have a special taste.

3. Planting location
As the name implies, Papua Wamena coffee beans are planted in plantations along Wamena City. Papua Wamena coffee bean plantation itself is located on the east side of Mount Jayawijaya with an estimated area of 80 square kilometers.
Papua Wamena coffee plants are planted at an altitude of 1,200 to 1,600 meters above sea level. The condition of the land that is on a volcano and temperatures that can touch 15 degrees Celsius at night make the environment suitable for planting coffee trees.

There are two areas that are most famous for the cultivation of coffee beans in Papua. In addition to Wamena, Nabire is also known as a coffee-producing area whose quality of coffee beans is not much different from coffee beans from Wamena.

4. The character of the coffee beans

The distinctive character of coffee beans makes many coffee lovers in the world love it. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/Vadym Terelyuk
Although it has a high concentration, Papua Wamena coffee beans have a different taste character. Papua Wamena coffee beans are known to have a more balanced and soft taste in the mouth when sipped.

When taking a sip for the first time, the tongue will feel a touch like brown sugar and sweet flowers with low acidity. According to its fans, the taste of Papua Wamena coffee tends to give a fresh smokey aroma and is one of its reliable uniqueness.

Papua Wamena coffee beans have a natural fresh taste with herbal sensations that can be felt when drunk. Many coffee lovers and coffee observers again mention that all the characteristics of this coffee arise because it is grown without the use of pesticides.

5. High selling price

The specialty of Papua Wamena coffee beans makes it sold at a high price. Even the lowest quality green bean coffee beans are still priced higher than other types.

Papua Wamena coffee beans that are still green and have not been roasted are sold starting from Rp 120,000 per kilogram depending on the level of quality of the coffee beans. For the price of coffee beans that have been roasted and the best quality can even touch more than Rp 300,000 per kilogram.

Papua Wamena coffee beans are widely used in various coffee shops and coffee lovers who brew their own coffee at home. If you want to try it, there are several coffee shops that sell it online or you can directly buy it directly at your subscription coffee shop outlet.

Author: JS

Travel Vlogger, Journalist,

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